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The European Archaeological Council and the Valletta Convention: the challenge of managing our heritage

Since its creation in 1999, the EAC, a network of heads of services responsible under law for the management of the archaeological heritage in the Council of Europe member states, has helped shaping the archaeological heritage management policies in Europe by developing broad-based strategies and recommendations in relation to the Valletta Convention and giving new meaning to the European archaeological heritage.


Ann Degraeve, President of European Archaeological Council

Pour citer cette vidéo

DEGRAEVE, Ann. (2023). The European Archaeological Council and the Valletta Convention: the challenge of managing our heritage [vidéo]. Dans : M. Bouiron, Ch. Cribellier, R. González Villaescusa, A. Marx, Le passé du continent au présent : 30e anniversaire de la Convention de La Valette (Malte) pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique en Europe, Paris, 26-27 juin 2023.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Inrap (7 décembre 2023). The European Archaeological Council and the Valletta Convention: the challenge of managing our heritage. Rencontres scientifiques et techniques de l'Inrap. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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