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Convention in the Czech Republic. Two decades of gain and loss

The Convention became part of the Czech legal system in 2000.  At the time of its ratification, a law created in the late 1980s was already in force. The adoption of the Convention itself did not require any major changes to this law. In fact, the basic principles of this law were essentially in line with the Convention. However, weaknesses became apparent with the changes in the social system after 1989. The dramatic rise of construction activity in the 1990s caused a wave of rescue archaeological excavations bringing a number of issues related to the commercialization of conducting archaeological excavations, strong pressure from developers. At the same time, interest in conducting archaeological excavations for the purpose of resolving purely scientific questions has declined significantly.


Jan Mařík, Institute of Archeology of the CAS, Prague, v.v.i.

Pour citer cette vidéo

MAŘÍK, Jan. (2023). Convention in the Czech Republic. Two decades of gain and loss [vidéo]. Dans : M. Bouiron, Ch. Cribellier, R. González Villaescusa, A. Marx, Le passé du continent au présent : 30e anniversaire de la Convention de La Valette (Malte) pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique en Europe, Paris, 26-27 juin 2023.

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Inrap (8 décembre 2023). Convention in the Czech Republic. Two decades of gain and loss. Rencontres scientifiques et techniques de l'Inrap. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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