The Danish lnterpretation of the Malta convention
The convention was signed by the former Head Antiquarian of Denmark, Prof. Olaf Olsen, on January 16 1992 and considered ratified in 2001. The implementation of the convention did – for good and for bad – build on existing institutions and structures, although some important changes were made. But perceptions of what archaeological practice is, how it should be conducted, and the sociology of the archaeological discipline in Denmark is visible as an underlying watermark. Thus, this paper will present the Danish interpretation of the Malta convention. It will contextualize its ratification in the historical, as well as political landscape of Denmark 20 years ago. But it will also highlight both positive as well as less positive sides of its implementation looking at hindsight.
Jens-Bjørn Riis Andresen, Associate Professor AARHUS University
Anne Nissen, Professeur Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Pour citer cette vidéo
ANDERSEN, Jens-Bjørn Riis & NISSEN, Anne. (2023). The Danish lnterpretation of the Malta convention [vidéo]. Dans : M. Bouiron, Ch. Cribellier, R. González Villaescusa, A. Marx, Le passé du continent au présent : 30e anniversaire de la Convention de La Valette (Malte) pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique en Europe, Paris, 26-27 juin 2023.
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